Thursday, December 31, 2009

The Life Antarctic: Crossing the Continent

Jon Bowermaster continues his journey through Antarctica, sending back dispatches to his blog, sharing his thoughts on the place that has become quite important to him on a personal level.

A few days back, Jon posted a story about his first journey to Antarctica, 20 years ago as part of an assignment for National Geographic. Jon joined Polar legend Will Steger and Jean-Louis Etienne, as they completed an epic 3741 mile journey across the frozen continent by dog sled. It would become the first successful journey of its kind and the last by dog sled.

Of great interest are a couple of journal entries from Will from the last week of 1989, exactly 20 years ago, in which he discusses some day-to-day issues with the expedition, including his flagging dog team and thoughts on acclimatizing to the conditions. His December 25th entry marked the team's 152nd day out on the ice, a true testament to the endurance necessary to complete such an amazing journey.

Jon notes that they are preparing a book on the expedition to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the crossing. It sounds like it'll be quite the interesting read, so keep your eyes open for it in the near future.

Also, a big thanks to Jon for reposting one of my Antarctic expedition updates from a few days back. It is much appreciated! :)

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