Monday, December 28, 2009

Best Hike Goes To The Himalaya: Days 11-16

For those interested in the details of a trek through the Himalaya, Best Hike Editor Rick McCharles has continued to post a day-by-day account of his recent journey through Nepal, which saw him hiking to Everest Base Camp, and other areas of the Khumbu Valley.

On Day 11, Rick set out to conquer the Kongma La Pass, a hike that would require nine hours on the trail, but he says is a moderate hike once you're well acclimatized. The hike is punctuated by amazing views of glacier fed lakes and very remote wilderness.

When Days 12 and 13 arrived, Rick found himself sick once again, but still had needing to continue his trek, this time heading towards Lobuche. Upon arrival, amidst spectacular weather, he stayed in a local tea house, and was forced to spend a day of rest and recovery, while getting over his sickness.

Rick was feeling much better on Day 14, when he set out to cross the Cho La Pass, which he describes as "seriously dangerous". It is a place that often requires the use of an ice axe to make progress and even the Yaks have a difficult time crossing. It was another beautiful, and scenic hike, but also very demanding and difficult, and the second of the Three Passes of Everest trek.

Day 15 was spent preparing for the Renjo La, the third and final pass of the trek. Rick met a guest at one of the tea houses named Doug Benn, a professor visiting the area to study the effects of climate change on the glaciers there. He also took a side trek that day that would take him up to the Sacred Lakes of the Gokyo, a place that is holy for both Hindus and Buddhists alike.

On Day 16, Rick spent a long and grueling day on the trail to return to Namche, by passing the Renjo La in the process. The long trek brought him back to what passes for civilization in the Khumbu, allowing him to pass the night in a tea house, and in a room that was used was once used by former American President Jimmy Carter.

Each of Rick's entries includes a set of great photos from each day of the trek and of course his personal insights into what each day was like on the trail. For long distance hikers considering a go at the Everest region, these posts are very insightful and helpful in preparation for the trip. Great stuff as always from Best Hike.

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