Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Best Hike Goes To The Himalaya: Day 17

Yesterday Best Hike site editor Rick McCharles posted the final update to his ongoing series on trekking independently through the Khumbu Region of the Himalaya. Over the past few weeks, Rick has taken us from Kathmandu all the way up to Everest Base Camp, and well beyond, and it has been an enjoyable series for anyone interested in making the trek for themselves.

On Day 17 of his trek Rick makes the descent from Namche back to Lukla, where he can catch a plane back to the capital of Nepal, where he started. The highlight of the post are a series of great photos of the suspension bridges that are quite common throughout this area, but Rick says he'll miss the Buddhist monuments the most.

He also offers up some great advice with things to keep in mind if you want to hike independently in Nepal as well. Here's what Rick has to say:

•you need a minimum of 14 days. More is better.
•acclimatization to altitude is the most serious danger
•Oct-Dec weather is cold and clear
•Mar-May the weather is warmer, but skies may be overcast
•best hike is the 3 Passes, next best Everest Base Camp, third best Gokyo
•if you fly, buy your flights Kathmandu-Lukla return in Kathmandu. You can change the date of your return, if necessary.
•no need to bring camping gear, but warm clothing and sleeping bag are essential

This has been a fun series to follow and it inspires me to go even more. Hopefully in the spring! Who's with me?!? :)

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