Thursday, December 10, 2009

Everest: Beyond The Limit Season 3 News

I know a lot of people have been waiting for news on the third season of Everest: Beyond The Limit, which is said to be coming soon on the Discovery Channel. Like you, I've been wondering when we would receive more information on the show, and when it would begin airing, and so far, Discovery has been mum about any of the details.

Thankfully, Tigress Productions, the U.K. based company that produced the show for Discovery, has a bit more information on their website, where they claim that it will begin broadcasting on December 30th and that they have created five episodes for the 2009 season. This contradicts some of the information I had heard, which seemed to indicate that the show would begin airing on December 27th with a two hour premiere. I'm also a bit surprised at the season being just five episodes in length, as in years past, it has been substantially longer.

Two things to keep in mind with this information however, is that the start date listed could be for the U.K., and since they have different approaches to broadcasting there, the 60 minute episodes listed on their Tigress website could be cut for the BBC, which wouldn't include commercials during the show itself. Cut those five episodes down to 40 minutes each, roughly the length of an American show, sans commercials, and you have at least two more full episodes on top of the five listed. Pure speculation on my part, but a possibility none the less. Of course, Discovery could make it easier on us by just letting us know more about the show.

The third season of the show will follow both the Himex team, led by show favorite Russell Brice, as well as Eric Simonson's International Mountain Guides team, as they go for the summit from the South Side of the mountain, a first for the show, which has always been set on the North Side in Tibet in the past. For fans of the past seasons, it should be fun to watch, as we'll get to see a completely different approach to the climb. For instance, while the North does have plenty of challenges, the South has the dreaded Khumbu Icefalls for climbers to contend with. Can't wait to catch it all.

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