Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Adventure Announces TOGA Awards and Photo Contest

National Geographic Adventure Magazine has made two interesting announcements over the past day or so, introducing the "TOGA" awards to encourage outdoor recreation and build geographic awareness, while also announcing a new photo contest.

Fist, a bit about the TOGA awards. TOGA stands for The Outdoor Geographic Awareness awards, which Adventure is giving out in conjunction with National Geographic Maps. (They call that brand synergy in the business! ;) ) The awards are designed to "celebrate the people, gear retailers, manufacturers, and NGOs who are finding new and creative ways to promote geographic awareness and build outdoor participation."

A noble cause to be sure. National Geographic has always made it their mission to inspire us to be "green" and environmentally aware long before those things became fashionable. This is another extension of that mission, and it's good to see recognition given where it's due. You can submit your nominations here and I'm sure there will be a place to nominate your favorite blog. ;) Winers will be announced at the Outdoor Retailer show in Salt Lake City, on August 8th.

On a completely different note, Adventure is also sponsoring a cool photo contest. When they relaunched their website last month, they also posted some great images from our national parks and were even kind enough to include the exact GPS coordinates from where those shots were taken, so you could go and see the same view.

Now, we're being encouraged to do the same thing. Submit your best photos from your favorite park and you could end up having it published in the magazine and even win some cool gear from Yakima, JanSport, and SPOT Satellite Messenger.

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