Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Two Chances To Win A SPOT Messenger!

The Satellite Messenger from SPOT hasn't been on the market for all that long, but already it's made it's mark, saving lives around the world, and garnering excellent reviews from the National Geographic Adventure Blog. In fact, reviewer Steve Casimiro called the Messenger "The most important outdoor product of the last couple years".

Well, now is your chance to get your hands on one with a pair of contests. First, up, SPOT is a presenting sponsor for the upcoming Primal Quest Expedition Adventure Race taking place in Montana in just a few weeks time. To celebrate, SPOT is giving away a Messenger signed by the winning team. Simply go to this page to sign up to win. The lucky person selected will also gain six months of free tracking service as well.

Still want more chances? Then head over to GearCrave where they are giving away not just one SPOT Messenger, but four!! All you have to do is click here where you can sign up for theGearCrave newsletter, and then leave a comment on the story, and you'll be entered into the contest. As of this writing there are six entires, so your chances are pretty good. Entries will be taken until 11:59 PM on Sunday June 15th.

Good luck! I hope you win one of these great devices. They're definitely an amazing little gadget.

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