Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Primal Quest Updates Mandatory Gear, Bring Your Snow Shoes!

I had an e-mail this morning from Don Mann, CEO of Primal Quest. After exchanging some thoughts on a variety of topics, Don mentioned, rather off handedly, that it was snowing again.

Later today a message was sent out to the all the teams informing them of the following:

IMPORTANT: Gear Change for PQ08

The Primal Quest crew has been working on the course this week and spent yesterday “trekking” in 10’ of snow at 9000’. Since then it has snowed another 6” over night. We have also seen temps in the low 30s F.

Snow shoes are now MANDATORY and we recommend they be the lightweight, racing type. While Yak-Traks are allowed, they may not be used in lieu of snow shoes.

At this time, crampons are not required, but we will recommend them if conditions warrant between now and the race. We will notify you as soon as possible if we make this change.

Safe travels and see you in Montana!

Chris Caul
Course Director

So, it looks like snow and more snow in Montana. Bring your snow shoes if you're coming to the event. You're going to need them. ;)

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