Wednesday, June 18, 2008

The Garmin NuviFone In Action!

A few months back I blogged about Garmin announcing that they were getting into the smartphone market with a product called the "NuviFone" which was suppose to combine their excellent GPS products with a great cell phone. At the time I talked about how cool a product it could be, but that there were a lot of questions surrounding the device as well.

Well, fast forward a few months and we get our first shots of the NuviFone in action with it's OS running, and I have to say, it looks pretty darn nice. This video is courtesy of Laptop Magazine and it gives us about five minutes of footage of the Nuvi in action.

Judging strictly from the video, I have to say that I'm pretty impressed. It looks like it's shaping up to be a really great product, with navigation at it's core, but also working as a nice cell phone, media player, and Internet device. The screen is clear and bright, with the obvious iPhone influence. Still no word on who the carriers will be, and the price is rumored to be about $500, which sounds on the pricey side with the 3G iPhone clocking in at $199. Still, this is a different device with a different focus and a good handheld GPS is going to cost you in the neighborhood of 500 bones anyway.

Check it out. What do you think?

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