Monday, June 9, 2008

Eco-X: CDT Speed Attempt Update - It's Over!

Last Friday I posted this article about David Horton, who was attempting to run the length of the Continental Divide Trail in just 69 days. That's an astonishing 2959 miles on foot, through some very challenging backcountry at altitude. David was going to be giving regular reports to friend Clark Zealand to post on his Eco-X website.

Well, sharp eyed reader DSD of Summit Stones and Adventure Musings fame noticed that the speed attempt is already over. This posting from yesterday gives the details, but in a nutshell, David ran for 45 miles on Saturday, but ended up completely dehydrated and exhausted. This has left him in an extremely weak condition and he's not bouncing back from it just yet.

For now, the attempt will have to put on hold. Perhaps once he recovers, he can think about what went wrong, and plan a new attempt. Anyone who has ever been severely dehydrated can surely feel for him though. It's one of the worst feelings ever and your strength is completely gone. Even re-hydrating still takes time for your energy to return. I only hope that Karl Meltzer is paying attention as he prepares for his Appalachian Assault set to begin in the first week of August.

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