Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Rolf Bae Spends 27 Days on Trango Tower!, part of Explorers Web,
is reporting that Norwegian polar explorer Rolf Bae, along with Stein Ivar Gravdal, Bjarte Bø, and Sigurd Felde, have successfully reached the top of Trango Tower after spending 27 days on the big wall.

The Trango Towers are located in the Baltoro Muztagh mountains in Pakistan, a subrange of the might Karakorum. ExWeb doesn't specify which of the Towers the men topped out on, but I'm assuming it's the Great Trango Tower. The Great Tower is 20,608 feet in height and nearly vertical, which forces climbers to deal with the logistics of a big wall rock climb, and high altitude mountaineering at the same time. The East, and South Faces of the Great Tower have been called the toughest walls in the world on numerous occasions.

Next up for Bae will be a return to K2 with his wife Cecilie Skog. The couple gave that mountain a go back in 2005, but the summit eluded them, so they're back for another attempt in just a few weeks time. Cecille has topped out on Everest in the past while Rolf has done a number of big climbs as well, including Everst, Shisha Pangma, and more. The couple also went back to back to both Poles in 2005 reaching the northernmost and southernmost points in the world just 119 days apart.

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