Thursday, June 12, 2008

The Walrus Interviews Lincoln Hall

The Walrus Blog, the official blog of The Walrus Magazine has conducted an interview with Lincoln Hall who suffered a severe case of altitude sickness on Everest back in 2006, and was left for dead, before he was found and rescued by several climbers, including Dan Mazur and Andrew Brash.

Hall recently released a book on his experiences entitled Dead Lucky: Life After Death on Mount Everest which details the events that lead to him being left behind, then spending a night on the mountain without oxygen or shelter, before being found alive, half-dressed, and incoherent the following morning.

In the interview, Hall talks about gaining perspective on this near death experience, the deep impact of the hallucinations the experienced while hovering between life and death, and more. He touches on the commercialization of Everest, always a hot topic these days, as well as how "summit fever" grips climbers. He also notes, not surprisingly, that he has no interest in returning to Everest.

All in all, a very insightful interview. Definitely a good read. Thanks Outdoor Ed for this one.

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