Monday, June 16, 2008

The Tour Divide Is Underway!

This is a repost from the Primal Quest website over the weekend, but still a great event to keep your eyes on.

Photo by Will RamosOne of the most demanding and challenging mountain bike races in the entire world has gotten under way in Banff, Alberta, Canada, where 17 riders have set out to ride the Continental Divide Trail from Canada to Mexico.

The event is known as the Tour Divide , a 2711 mile long, self supported mountain bike race, which is celebrating it's 10th year of competition. Riders set out from Banff yesterday and will continue until they reach the U.S.-Mexican border in Antelope Wells, New Mexico. The tops racers are expected to arrive in roughly 20 days, after facing challenging climbs, crazy drops, and miles of single track.

The Tour Divide Leaderboard provides tracking from SPOT, the same team that will bring their sophisticated tracking to Primal Quest and is the race's presenting sponsor. Expect a more advanced version of this leardboard when PQ gets underway in a little over a week. And to follow the Tour Divide, watch for updates to the Race's Official Blog.

Photo by Will Ramos

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