Wednesday, June 18, 2008

The Rest of Everest: Episode 86

Another great episode of The Rest of Everest this week with the release of Episode 86 which continues our exploration of Everest Base Camp on the North Side of the mountain.

This week, Jon and Scott are joined by Brian Oestrike of the LUNGevity team, whose recent summit of Lhotse I followed closely. Brian was on Everest last year when Jon and Scott were filming these episodes, and he brings a nice perspective this week that compliments our usual tour guides very well.

The episode begins with a charming horse carriage ride from the "barter town" to BC, that ends in Scott encountering a universal challenge for international travelers, the time honored tradition of natives suddenly not being able to understand English when you're trying to get change back from a business transaction. Happens on every continent it seems. ;)

The real highlight this week is the Puja ceremony that Jon and Scott were lucky enough to take part in. The traditional ceremony is performed in BC before climbers begin to climb the mountain. The Sherpas believe by taking part in the Puja you are showing respect for the mountain and asking for a safe climb. Until the ceremony is done, they will not step food on Everest, or any other mountain they intend to climb. This is the second Puja we've seen on the Rest of Everest, with the first coming during the 2003 expedition to climb the mountain.

Next week, more Everest porn with more scenes form BC and footage of the mountain. What we've all been coming back for! :)

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