Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Dancing Around The World

This video and story comes courtesy of Jon from The Rest of Everest, who passed the YouTube clip my way yesterday. Some of you have probably seen this before, and judging from the 6 million plus views on YouTube, it's pretty popular, but I still thought it was a fun video to share.

The story goes that Matt Hardin, the "star" of this video, was traveling a few years back and a friend filmed him in a few locations doing a dance, which later went on the Internet and was discovered by a whole bunch of people. The folks at Stride Gum then found the video and asked Matt if he'd be willing to travel around and recreate his dance all over the planet. Like any good adventurer he said Yes! And this video is the result. You can learn more, including the whole story, over at

Now enjoy the video and prepare to smile. :)

PS: If anyone wants to pay for me to dance/blog/whatever my way around the world, drop me a note!

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