Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Long Way Down Comes Stateside!

I posted about Long Way Down more than a year ago, when Charlie Boorman and Ewan McGregor began their epic journey by motorcycle. After months of waiting, fans of the original Long Way Round will finally get the chance to watch the follow-up.

For those unfamiliar with the program, Long Way Round followed the two actors as they circled the globe on their motorcycles, visiting out of the way places and meeting unusual people as they went. They set off from London and headed East, taking the "long way around" the planet until they were home again. Long Way Down chronicles their journey from Scotland to the tip of Africa, once again on motorcycles.

The show aired on the BBC last Fall, and through the use of modern technology, there were methods of obtaining copies of the shows, but until now, they've never been available to watch directly. In fact, there are now two ways to catch the show. First, this Thursday, July 31st, you'll be able to watch a special "Director's Cut" version at select theaters around the country. Fathom Events is sponsoring these showings, and you can click here to learn more about it and see if it's showing in your area.

Alternatively, the show has been picked up by the Fox Reality Nework, and will begin airing on Tuesday, August 2nd at 9 PM ET. To learn more about it, check out the Fox Reality page for the show. And if you missed the original, Fox is showing that one as well. Check out the Long Way Round page here.

I had originally planned to go to the theater to catch the Fathom Events special screening, but once I learned this was coming to television, I elected to wait and watch it unfold as it was meant to be seen. I'm a big fan of the first show, and I've been looking forward to seeing this one for a long time, and I'm glad I'll finally get the opportunity. The previews look great, and this should be a blast.

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