Friday, July 25, 2008

The Rest of Everest: Catching Up With My Back-Log!

It's no secret that The Rest of Everest is my favorite podcast. I generally watch it each and every week without fail, and write a post about it here, sometimes gushing a bit much about just how much I enjoy it and revealing my man-crush on show producer Jon Miller. ;)

While I was off playing in the mountains of Montana, and covering a little event called Primal Quest, I got a bit behind in following my usual podcasts, including the Rest of Everest. I've since remedied that, but have a few episodes to post on. So, with out further ado, here is a brief synopsis of what has gone down in the past three episodes:

Episode 87: Technical Support - In this excellent episode, Jon is joined by Brian Oestrike, who recently topped out on Lhotse, but was in base camp last year when Jon and Scott made their visit. With the Puja Ceremony behind them, our intrepid travelers find themselves exploring BC and chatting with a number of the inhabitants there about life in the shadow of Everest, which looms beautifully in the background. More excellent footage of BC on the North Side as well.

Episode 88: Goodbye Old Friend - Our time on Everest and in Base Camp is over, as Jon and Scott depart the mountain, just as the climbing season is about to get started. The visit to BC is all too short, but there are still sites to be seen, and the footage of the highest monastery in the world with Everest in the background, a snow storm moving in, is really stunning. It's sad for us as viewers to leave base camp behind, I can only imagine what it was like for Jon and Scott, as their journey was beginning to near it's end.

Episode 89: Dingri, Old Tingri - The journey back to Kathmandu begins with the guys arriving in old Tingri, a very rural and remote town in Tibet, sometimes referred to as the "Gateway to Everest". The village lacks many amenities and it's clear that Jon, who visited the place back in 2003, is not exactly happy to be there. Soon they're back on the road however, and heading toward the border with Nepal.

The trip is beginning to wind down. Jon and Scott are on their way back home, but there is still much more to see before they're done. I'll get back to posting regularly on the show again now that my schedule is back to normal. Can't wait to see what's next.

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