Monday, July 14, 2008

Karakorum 2008: High Winds Keep Climbers At Bay

A fresh update from Pakistan courtesy of ExWeb today, brings us word on the recent developments from the Karakorum.

First up, on K2 the word is that the French Team would be spending the weekend at altitude to finish up their acclimatization process. They went up along the Abruzzi Spur, but will be climbing along a new route when they make their final summit bid. Meanwhile, the Dutch Team delayed their own summit bid to wait out the bad weather that moved into the region. High winds at higher altitude were the cause of the delay with rumors of tents being flattened at C3. It was so bad, in fact, that a Korean team fixing lines above C3 were forced back down the mountain due to the winds and extreme cold.

On Broad Peak, Valeri Babanov and his partner Viktor Afanasiev are above 7000 feet and continue their march towards the summit along a new route, despite bad weather on that mountain as well and a number of teams deciding to call it quits for the year. The weather is not looking promising, and the season is quickly drawing to a close.

Also of note on Broad Peak, is the word that Mogens Jensen of Everest: Beyond The Limit fame was struck in the head by falling rocks and had to be evacuated from the mountain. He was not wearing a helmet when the accident occurred and according to the article, he didn't even bring one with him. He is said to be in Islamabad receiving medical treatment.

Finally, the Field Touring Alpine team is making their summit bid on Gasherbrum II today in reportedly heavy snow fall. Other teams have elected to wait out the storm, while Spaniard Carlos Soria is reportedly making his summit bid on nearby GI.

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