Thursday, July 24, 2008

The Esprit de Corp Ultramarathon is a 177.5 file event that will be run over four days, starting October 22nd of this year. Four United States Marines will begin at the Tun Tavern in Philadelphia, PA and end their run at the finish line of the Marine Corps Marathon in Washington, DC on October 26th.

The four men running include Sgt. Brandon Richardson, Sgt. Andrew Strohecker, Cpl. Joseph Garcia, and Gunnery Sgt. Dennis Miranda. They will be running to raise awareness and funds for the Wounded Warriors who have served their country and sacrificed much in that service overseas.

To donate to this very worthy cause, click here and to learn more about the team, checkout their official team page. Then checkout their tribute video below.

Good luck guys, and thanks for sending this my way Curtis!

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