Monday, July 28, 2008

Top Ten Cycle Rides In Europe

Continuing the latest trend in travel, the Guardian is back with another article on cycling, this time with the Top 10 Cycling Rides in Europe.

This Tour de France inspired posting has some great suggestions for places to ride, that offer both great scenery and solitude at the same time. The first few suggestions are in the U.K. itself with rides England and Ireland, but others stretch out into the French Alps, the Pyrenees, Spain, Greece, and beyond. These rides also vary from casual and laid back to demanding depending on what you're looking for.

Obviously living in Europe makes these rides easier to get to, but there are a growing number of tour operators that are offering cycling vacations as well. Jumping on the back of a bike is a great way to tour many different areas, allowing riders to take their time, stop along the route, and enjoy the wonderful elements of the place they are visiting. It also allows you to get in a good workout while you travel, which can always be a challenge, and cycling tours have the benefit of being green on the environment as well.

I've been considering purchasing a new road bike for some time, to compliment my aging, but still good, mountain bike, and stories like this one inspires me to do so. I may have to go bike shopping soon, although my wallet trembles at the thought.

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