Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Another Death on Denali

Just a few days after James Nasti perished on the summit the Denali, the mountain has claimed another life. According to this post over at the Rock and Ice Magazine site, a 20-year old Indonesian climber named Pungkas Tri Baruno collapsed and died Monday just above the 17,200 foot camp. The young man was descending at the time.

Baruno was climbing with the Mountain Trip expedition and he was one of three members of the team who had reached the summit earlier in the day. As of now, his remains are still on the mountain, although the Ranger teams have reportedly said they will attempt to retrieve them by helicopter when the weather permits. At this time, it's unclear as to what the cause of death is.

More condolences to friends and family of a fallen mountaineer. It's been a rough month and a half in the mountaineering world to say the least.

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