Tuesday, October 14, 2008

American's Claim Unclimbed Peak In India

Four Americans have bagged an unclimbed peak in the remote Himachal Pradesh region of India. The team, consisting of Freddie Wilkinson, Janet Bergman, Ben Ditto, and Pat Goodman, set out to climb new routes in the Manikaran Spires, inspired by photos of the mountains that they spied in a shop.

According to this article over at Climbing.com the foursome set out with a team of porters in traditional siege climbing style, but ran into bad weather two days into the trek to the mountains. After five days of nasty conditions, the local porters decided they weren't being paid enough and abandoned the expedition for home. The Americans joined them two days later.

But the weather forecast improved and the decided to give it another go, this time carrying their own gear and going at it in alpine style. They shed as much gear and weight as they could, and set out for base camp. located at 12,500 feet. Before long, they were climbing in two groups of two, taking on snow, ice, and rock on their way to the summit, believed to be the first ever on the unnamed mountain.

You can read more about the adventure in this post over at the Backcountry Blog and there is additional coverage at the Hardwear Sessions Blog as well.

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