Monday, October 6, 2008

Egypt's Other Treasures

Forbes Traveler is back with another good travel story today, this time on the Hidden Treasures of Egypt, and by hidden they mean impressive monuments, ruins, and sites that are off the beaten path and less visited by tourists. Sure, we all know about the Pyramids and the Sphinx, but what other wonders does the country have to offer?

The list starts off with a great choice in the Valley of the Kings, where dozens of tombs have been discovered, although not all of them are open to the public. I can tell you from first hand experience though, that the ones that are open are spectacular. The colored hieroglyphs on the walls are still very impressive, and some of them even look like something you'd see out of an old Boris Karloff movie. Just don't bother waiting in line for Tut's tomb. He was a very unimportant pharaoh, and it's not all that special for the wait you'll have to endure.

Other hidden treasures on their list include the Temple of Ramses III, which has an extremely long history and was once used a coptic monastery. They also list Aswan as well, which is a study of contrasts with ancient Nubian tribes living in the shadow of one of the largest modern dam projects in the world. The Valley Temple of Khephren at Giza is also noted as the mortuary where Khephren's remains were prepared for entombment.

Egypt is an amazing and spectacular place to visit, with far too many things to see in one visit. It is one of those rare vacations that can be wonderful mix of culture, history, and adventure all wrapped up in one. This guide will give you some ideas on what to visit to get away from the crowds and to see a slice of history that you might not otherwise have thought of, and if you have an interest in the country, I can't recommend visiting it highly enough. You'll have an amazing time.

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