Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Cool Boat Design Concept

I spotted this cool new boat, called the Kahuna, while browsing the Wend Blog earlier. It's the brain child of industrial designer Mario Weiss and it combines your mode of transportation with your place to stay for the night.

Weiss says that his concept gets some of it's inspiration from the outrigger canoes that you find in the Polynesian islands, and that he thinks his design will be a hit with rental companies and outdoor enthusiast. The boat is powered by a pedal/crank drive, and a standard paddle is used to help maneuver the thing.

When it comes time to camp for the night, a durable cloth is strung between the two outriggers to create a base, and the tent is then erected over it. Add a camping bed, and you're all set for a good night's sleep.

Personally, I think this looks really cool. What a great way to explore certain areas of the world, and I think Mario might be onto something with his design.

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