Monday, October 20, 2008

Missing Hiker Found After Five Days!

Derek Mamoyac of Philomath, Oregon has been found alive after spending five days lost on Mt. Adams in Washington State, the mountain he was attempting to climb when he set out last Sunday.

While making his way to the top of the 12,277 foot Mt. Adams, Mamoyac reached as high as Piker's Peak at 11,657 feet before turning back. He says on the way down he stepped on to some snow that he thought was solid, but it gave way under neath him, causing him to fall. Tumbling down the side of the mountain, he broke his ankle. That's when his real ordeal begain.

In what sounds a bit like Joe Simpson's Touching the Void, Mamoyac then proceeded to drag himself down the mountain, over the course of five days, surviving on spring water and eating centipedes. On Saturday he was discovered by a search party when one of the S&R dogs came across him still in, all things considered, relatively good health.

The hiker was dressed in warm clothing including insulated pants and jacket, although he was said to still be quite cold when he was discovered. I think the story is a testament to what having the right gear can do for you however, as he spent five nights exposed to cold conditions before he was found. Most of the time these stories end badly, and often it's because the person set out without the right gear, and then later died of exposure.

It's good to have a happy ending for once. Glad to see they found him safe and sound.

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