Wednesday, October 15, 2008

LazyMan, for the Adventurer's Day Off

Last week, when the Gear Junkie launched his awesome Choose Your Adventure Sweepstakes, I noticed that it was sponsored by a company called LazyMan, which I had never heard of before. Of course, my interest was piqued, as I never considered the Gear Junkie, or the people that read his column, to be especially lazy. Upon further investigation, I found the LazyMan website, which had some very interesting elements to it.

First, and foremost, I noticed their store, mainly because I'm always looking to check out new gear. There isn't a lot for sale their, but they do have some cool t-shirts with interesting designs, and a few hats as well. Being a bit of a "gear junkie" myself, I was a bit disappointed to not find a cool backpack, tents, or ice axes.

But as I explored the site a bit further, I began to notice plenty of other cool things. For instance, the company has launched it's own social network extolling the virtues of the LazyMan Life. Much like other social networks like Facebook, this one has members who share videos and photos, as well as discuss topics in the forum.

But the element that really caught my eye was a page entitled The Manual, which contains some cool article on a variety of adventures. For instance, there is a nice article on preparing for your first adventure race and there is a Journal Entry on racing in the Block Island regatta.

The mantra for LazyMan is "Redefining Lazy - One Adventure at a Time", with the idea that you earn the right to be lazy after a big adventure. A good philosophy in my mind. After a day on the trail, who doesn't want to just put their feat up, enjoy a great meal and a cold beverage, and just be lazy?

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