Friday, October 10, 2008

Taking Great Outdoor Photographs

Outside Online has some great tips on how to take better photographs on our adventures, from some of the top professional photographers in the business in Rob Haggart and Dave Hobby.

Rob and Dave dish out some great secrets on how to take good wildlife photos, landscapes, and more. They talk about how to use natural lighting properly and to effect, and how to get some great black and white shots as well. The mention some good equipment that you should have on hand, and even give specific recommendations on what to buy.

Of course, even with the best photography tips in the world, along with great camera gear, you still have to have a great subject to shoot. Whether that's an amazing landscape in the wilds of Africa, the stunning beauty of the mountains of the HImalaya, or simply catching a slice of life on the streets of some foreign city, these tips will help you get the most out of your opportunities. As someone who is still learning the true art of photography, I always enjoy tips like these to help me the next time I'm out and about somewhere.

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