Friday, August 8, 2008

Adventure Announces Their Best Towns Too!

Not to be outdone by rival Outside Magazine, who recently put out their Best Towns 2008 list, National Geographic Adventure has responded with their own list of the 50 Best Places to Live and Play.

Obviously having 50 places on the list gives Adventure a lot more lee-way with the towns that earn a place on their roster. They've broken down their top towns by location, with places in the West (Seattle, San Francisco, and Hood River, Oregon take top honors), the Rockies (still no Boulder in site!), the very diverse Central, and of course the East.

There are a number of locations that you'd expect on a list such as this one, but plenty of surprises as well. The online edition doesn't go into much detail, but I'd expect the print version to break down the cities a bit more. Once again, if you're tired of living in that one-horse town you're currently calling home, you could do worse than those on this list.

I'm a bit surprised that my current city of residence, Austin, Texas, didn't appear on either of these lists. It's a great place to live. Fortunately, we are number 1 in one category, according to a recent report from Forbes!

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