Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Trekking Namibia's Wilds

The National Geographic Adventure website has an amazing article up today that follows Rudi Loutit, a conservationist who has worked for over 30 years to save the Black Rhino, as he treks across Namibia to survey the health of the species.

The article, which can be found here, mentions how Rudi, and his now deceased wife Blythe, dedicated their lives to protect the Black Rhino, which was thought on the edge of extinction not all that long ago. Thanks to their efforts, that creature has begun to make a comeback, and the Namibian government is taking steps to insure it has a future by protecting the rhino's lands.

Rudi and Blythe created the Save The Rhino Trust and on a shoestring budget, were able to accomplish a lot. Their efforts were noticed by the Nature Conservancy, who gave Rudi a $100,000 grant to continue his work.

With his funding secured, the former park ranger decided to set out on foot to trek 155 miles across the Namibian desert to get a first hand look at the proposed wildlife refuge, and to see the health of the rhino population their. But, what started out as a one man venture, soon grew into something more, with a reporter, photographer, and a slew of support crew joining the expedition. As if that wasn't bad enough, a billionaire contributor to the Nature Conservancy decided that he, along with his wife and grand child, were also going to join the last stage of the journey, something that doesn't sit all that well with Rudi, who has a bit of a ... erm... prickly personality. ;)

The rest of the article talks about their journey into the wilds of Africa, and what they found there. The amazing 10 day journey was definitely an adventure and a look into how endangered animals can be brought back from the brink. Really a great article, and not to be missed.

Now I want to go back to Africa!

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