Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Want To Relive Shackleton's Expedition?

A hundred years after Ernest Shackleton's famous expedition to the South Pole as part of the Nimrod Expedition, a British team is preparing to recreate the epic journey, and they just might want you to come along for the adventure.

According to this story, over at the Guardian, the Matrix Shackleton Centenary Expedition is looking for someone to join them later this year, as the six team members, who include Shackleton's great-grandson Patrick Bergel, will walk in the famous explorers footsteps. But, they're also looking for someone to join the team. Someone with a zest for adventure, a love of life, and the ability to work with the team. You'll have to be in tremendous shape and be prepared to endure the challenging Antarctic conditions. To apply to join the team, just head over to this website for more information and to apply.

The journey will begin in October, and it is expected to last about 80 days. The team will fly to the Ross Ice Shelf from Punta Areneas, where three of them will set out to cover 900+ miles to reach the point where Shackleton and his team turned back. At that point, the four other team members will join them, and they'll attempt to continue on to the Pole, completing the journey that Shackleton was unable to finish.

Ok, I'm sold. I'm ready to sign up and join the team. Sure, it's not that cold here in Texas, but I think I'll figure something out to get prepared. I mean, it does get down to almost freezing in the Winter here. This is an amazing opportunity though, and if I'm eligible living in the States, I'm certainly going to apply.

My favorite part of the Guardian article is in the first paragraph, where they publish the original message that Shackleton posted when looking for crew members for his original expedition. I've quoted it below. Great stuff!

"Men wanted for hazardous journey. Small wages. Bitter cold. Long months of complete darkness. Constant danger. Safe return doubtful. Honour and recognition in case of success"

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