Monday, August 18, 2008

Mythical Mayan Underworld Discovered

Here's a very cool story that was making the rounds over the weekend. Archeologists in Mexico have discovered a vast underground maze of chambers and temples dating back to the Mayan Empire that they believe was designed by that ancient civilization to serve as a gateway to the underworld where the dead passed from this life to the next.

Scientists came across these ruins hidden in underground caverns in the Yucatan Peninsula, and so far they've discovered 11 buried temples, connected by an interweaving series of tunnels. There are also remnants of human bones and other artifacts that indicate that the area served as a spot for human sacrifice.

Parts of the complex are submerged in water, which has forced explorers to don SCUBA gear to venture further into the hidden realm. Amongst the varying chambers, they have also come across a 330 foot long "road" that is the archeologists believe was a representation of the Mayan road to Xibalba, the mythical underworld believed to be the afterlife.

What an amazing discovery. It's really cool that we can still find things like this in this day and age, and this seems like a pretty big find no less. They've been working away on it for more than five months, and who knows what else they'll find down there once they've had a chance to explore the entire area. Seems like Lucas and Spielberg just found the subject of their next Indiana Jones movie!

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