Tuesday, August 19, 2008

World's Best Wildlife Sanctuaries

Forbes Traveller is back with another great list of adventure travel locations, this time with the theme of World's Best Wildlife Sanctuaries.

As you might expect, many of the sanctuaries that make the list are far flung, making any visit an adventure in and of itself. Take for instance visiting the McNeil River State Game Sanctuary and Refuge in Alaska, where you can watch brown bears in their natural habitat. Only a few people are allowed in each year, and you have to enter a lottery before March 1st, or you're out of luck. Even then, you still have to be selected to get into the remote region.

Not exotic enough for you? Then how about Komodo National Park in Indonesia. This is the sanctuary for the largest lizard on Earth, the Komodo Dragon, and is located on three islands accessible only by boat. Or, how about a trek into the Parc Nationale des Volcans of Rwanda, home of the fabled mountain gorillas. Visits are limited to one hour a day and groups of eight or fewer people.

There are a number of other amazing locations on the list as well, and any one of them will afford you a once in a life time experience of getting up close and personal with the indigenous wildlife. I'm sure I'm not alone in enjoying a tranquil, remote setting with a chance to watch animals in their natural environments. Great stuff!

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