Friday, August 29, 2008

The Tour de Mount Blanc Is Off And Running!

The Tour de Mount Blanc is underway with some of the top endurance athletes converging on the mountain to compete in one of the biggest ultramarathons in the world.

The event, which is sponsored by The North Face, is already underway today, and is expected to run through the weekend. The course begins in Chamonix, France and runs more than 166 km (103 miles) through that country, Italy, and Switzerland. Along the way, competitors face more than 9400m of elevation change.

On the official site, you'll find the latest news from the event, live updates, and even videos from the start of the race. Be warned though, much of the site is in French, and while they do offer translation options, not everything is translated. I don't speak much French at all, much to the relief of the French themselves.

Good luck to all the competitors, and remember, as you're slogging through the miles, don't forget to look up from time to time and enjoy the view.

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