Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Biking The Lost Coast

I came across this story while checking out the Wend Blog earlier today. It seems that a couple of lucky, and somewhat masochistic, mountain bikers have just embarked on a 400+ mile epic ride along the Lost Coast in Alaska.

The journey started two days ago, but their blog hasn't been updated yet with any information, although they promise to check in every few days with the latest news from the trail. The blog does have information on the gear they are using, and has more on the Lost Coast itself, including some great photos. There is also a little bit about the two riders, Dylan Kentch and Eric Parsons, but mostly you'll discover they have a quirky sense of humor.

The pair set out from Yakutat and will ride to Cordova, but judging form their description of the trail, they'll be walking and bike-whacking a lot in the early going. There are some impressive rivers to ford as well, and dense vegetation to deal with too, although they suspect that they'll be able to ride more consistently when they get further into the trip. The video below gives you an idea of what they are facing.

Untitled from Eric Parsons on Vimeo.

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