Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Simpson Desert Trek Done!!

Back at the beginning of July I mentioned that Belgian Adventurer Louis-Philippe Loncke was preparing to make the first attempt to trek the length of the Simpson Desert in Australia. The trek was expected to take roughly 35 days, and cover approximately 800 km (497 miles), unsupported, through a very remote region. This morning I received an e-mail from Louis-Philippe informing me that he was successful in his bid, and is now the first person to trek North to South across the Simpson.

You can read all about his adventure at his official blog for the event, which offers up details of the expedition at various phases along the way. The intrepid adventurer reached his goal of Lake Eyre last week on the 20th, but it was no easy task, as you might imagine.

Australian newspaper the Herald Sun also profiled Louis-Philippe and chronicled his adventure. The article can be found here, and details the obstacles that he had to overcome, including cold temperatures, pulling his supplies behind him in a custom made trailer, and encounters with crazy camels.

Quite the adventure. A hearty congratulations to our favorite Belgian adventurer. Job well done Louis-Philippe! Enjoy a much deserved rest!

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