Thursday, February 25, 2010

7 Scary Hikes Caught On Video

Travel blog, for which I'm a contributor, has a great post up today of 7 of the craziest, most dangerous hikes in the world. Each of the hikes on the list features some common denominators, namely they mix in a bit of altitude with a trail that is a bit on the dangerous side. But describing them wouldn't do them much justice, so thankfully, each of them is caught on video, so we understand exactly why they earned the moniker of "crazy".

A few of the hikes we've talked about here before, such as the El Caminito del Rey and Mount Hua in China. Others were completely new, but well deserving of making the list. One of the videos is embedded below so you have an idea of the level of scary we're talking about here. This one is from the top of Winay Picchu, a peak that actually looks down on Peru's famous Machu Picchu. The views look stunning, but watch that last step...

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