Monday, February 1, 2010

8 Adventurous Spots From Around The World

Adventure travel website Wild Junket has a great story up today listing eight adventurous spots from around the world. The article actually links each of the locations with an adventurous activity that will give travelers a challenge, while fueling their desire for adrenaline fueled fun in unique places around the world.

The eight spots listed are, as you can imagine, all quite unique and interesting. Starting with rock climbing in Jordan, their number eight selection, gets things rolling with a great suggestion that isn't the first place that comes to mind when you consider a destination for climbing. Likewise, number seven on the list is Thailand, where they suggest you go sea kayaking. There are a lot of things that you can do in Thailand, but generally sea kayaking isn't the first that comes to mind. Other locations that make the list include Borneo (caves and jungles!), South Africa (sand boarding), and Australia, which is lauded for its great scuba diving.

We're now a month into the new year (Where did January go by the way?), and it's time to start putting together our own travel adventures for the year ahead. Over the weekend, I began to do just that, and my destination corresponds with their number one choice as well, which is Nepal, where they recommend mountain trekking. As it just so happens, that's what I'll be doing. The plan is to head up to Everest Base Camp in April. Hopefully it'll all come together, and I'm sure I'll be sharing more on that as we get closer to the spring.

So? What's on your agenda for 2010? What adventures are you planning and what remote place is calling to you?

Thanks to the Wend Blog for the heads up on this cool story.

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