Friday, February 5, 2010

The Rest of Everest DVD Giveaway: Week 4

Okay, now that we've had some time to check out the latest episode of The Rest of Everest, it's time for this week's trivia question. As usual, you can e-mail me your answer at and I'll collect all of the responses and randomly pick a winner out of everyone who gets it right. The winner gets a copy of the Everest {the other side} DVD, which is the very cool movie that inspired the podcast to begin with.

So without further ado, here's this week's question:

Name one of the famous Everest legends whose memorial the team visited in this week's episode?

(Hint: One was immortalized in Jon Krakauer's book Into Thin Air and the other is one of the most famous Sherpas ever.)

Good luck to everyone! :)

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