Friday, February 12, 2010

The Rest of Everest DVD Giveaway: Week 4 Winner!

This weeks winner of our Everest [the other side] DVD is Steffi Lomp of Herne, Germany. Congrats Steffi! I hope you enjoy the disc. :)

Which brings us to our fifth, and final DVD giveaway. The question for this week is an easy one for fans of Everest in general:

In this week's episode of The Rest of Everest, the trekking team met Apa Sherpa on the trail. Apa is a legend amongst mountaineers and holds the record for the most summits of Everest. How many times has Apa stood on the summit of Everest?

As usual, I'll collect all the winners and pick someone randomly to receive the DVD. Good luck to everyone who enters this week.

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