Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Tasman Sea Crossing Update: Shaun Carries On!

Yesterday I posted a story about Shaun Quincey, the New Zealander who is attempting to row solo across the Tasman Sea. At the time, we had heard that Shaun has activated his emergency rescue beacon following an especially rough night at sea that saw his little boat, the Tasman Trespasser II, roll over twice, causing equipment to be tossed overboard. Shaun was said to be safe, and mostly unharmed, inside the boats cabin, and he was waiting until dawn to determine the extent of his gear losses, and whether or not he could continue.

Today we have an update on his progress, with the word that he will indeed continue to attempt to row solo across the Tasman Sea between Australia and New Zealand, something only his father Colin has accomplished. It seems that after checking over his boat this morning, he discovered that he hadn't lost as much gear as he had feared. All of his emergency equipment is in good working order, and his communications gear is working fine too, which has given Shaun confidence in continuing the journey.

According to Shaun himself, the stormy night on the sea was extremely scary, as you can imagine. At one point, the boat capsized and was turned over for more than 20 minutes, with water rushing into the cabin. The 25-year old Kiwi was tethered to his boat however, and was never in danger of being swept away. He described the experience as "horrific", but he wants to continue on none the less.

Quincey set out from Australia on January 20th, and now has roughly 360 miles to go before he reaches the West Coast of New Zealand and the end of his journey. If everything goes according to schedule, in a few weeks time, he'll join his father as the only two men to successfully make a crossing of the Tasman in solo fashion and under their own power.

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