Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Mountain Hardwear 2010 Exedition Sponsorships Announced!

Last week we had a list of winners from the 2010 Polartec Challenge Grants, and now we have a run down of Mountain Hardwear's sponsorship recipients for the year as well. The winners were posted to the Hardwear Sessions blog earlier today, and it looks like there are some great things in the works for 2010. All told, the company is giving out $10,000 to fund five expeditions this year.

The list of winners include the following:

Latok I, North Ridge - David Falt, Krister Jonsson and Marco Koupiainen
The group will travel to Pakistan from July to August 2010 to attempt an alpine style first ascent of the North Ridge of Latok I (7145m), a 2500m climb comprising of complex, steep terrain through rock, ice and mixed climbing. The North Ridge of Latok I is one of the most notorious unfinished projects in the Himalayas. The team plans to carry enough supplies to last up to 15 days on the route, allowing them staying power to sit out potential bad weather. The team members each have roughly 20 years of climbing experience in Scandinavia, the Alps, Yosemite, Himalaya and Alaska.

Jankuth, West Face - Malcolm Bass and Pat Deavoll
From September to October 2010, the team of two will attempt a first ascent of Jankuth (6805m), in Northern India on the Gangotri Glacier. In September 2004, Pat, Malcolm and three others attempted the ascent, but were shut down on two different routes due to inclement weather. Inspired by Jankuth, the highest mountain left unclimbed in the Gangotri region, Pat and Malcolm will call upon the time honored Garwhal ethic of self sufficient exploration choosing a "fast and light" climbing approach.

Ski Kyrgyzstan 2010 - Nathan Rowland and Ollie Nieuwland-Zlotnicki
Ski mountaineers Nathan Rowland and Ollie Nieuwland-Zlotnicki, both current residents of Aspen, CO, will travel to Kyrgyzstan in May 2010 for a circumnavigation of the Al-Dyrtr and Kary Sars glaciers in the Tien-Shan Mountains with multiple first ascent and descent attempts. The project ventures into a remote area of Kyrgyzstan that has rarely been visited or explored.

Trek for a New Nepal - Allegra Fisher, Caroline Pihl and Sarah Mortati
Wilderness explorers Allegra, Caroline and Sarah plan to be the youngest women, and the first Americans, to complete a traverse of the Great Himalayan Trail in Nepal. From November 2010 to April 2011, their goal will be to traverse Nepal from east to west while documenting the educational and environmental development potential along the newly created 1,600km Nepali portion of the Great Himalayan Trail.

2 Wheels 4 Education - Eleanor Moseman
Beginning in April 2010, Eleanor, a photographer who has been living and working in China, will attempt to complete a year-long, solo bicycle journey around Asia while raising money and awareness for two charities, Girls Education International and Stepping Stones China. She plans to document the journey through China, Mongolia and Russia through her photography, a book, and eventually, a cycling guidebook. Eleanor was inspired to raise awareness for female equality after noticing the obvious differences in rights between the male and female genders, and the disadvantages most females face living in China.

Seems like a very worthy list of teams and expeditions. It should be fun to follow along with their various adventures this year. Congrats to all the winners and I wish them luck on their 2010 endeavors.

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