Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Travel Quickies: Cycle Through India and Design Your Dream Trip!

I have a couple of interesting travel stories for anyone looking for new and unique adventure travel experiences. I wrote about both of these at Gadling the past few days, but felt they were worth mentioning here as well.

First up, our friends over at Tour d'Afrique have announced a new cycling adventure for early next year. Dubbed "An Indian Adventure", the new tour will send adventurous, and well conditioned, travelers on a 46 day ride through India, covering more than 2000 miles in the process.

Beginning in Agra in January of 2011, the route will take you through some of the most amazing places in the country. The trip organizers fill in some of the details on the website saying: "We will pass through the colourful desert cities of Rajasthan; Spend a day in the bustling metropolis of Mumbai; Relax on the stunning beaches in Goa; Visit the incredible ruins of Hampi; Cycle througt the undiscovered interior of Karnataka; Pass through the princely city of Mysore; Enjoy a day or two in a wildlife reserve; Wander around the historic British hill station of Ooty; Spin down from the heights of the Western Ghats to feast on the seafood in Cochin; And bike alongside the gorgeous backwaters of Kerela."

And for those that can't make the full ride, there are two options available to cover shorter sections that require less time as well. This event is part of the company's DreamTours program, which gives us a chance to design our own cycling adventures, while their expert team handles all the logistics for us.

The other very cool travel story is a contest from Gap Adventures, which is one of the best adventure travel companies that you'll find anywhere. Gap specializes in delivering top not travel opportunities, at reasonable prices, in just about every corner of the globe.

Their new contest is called Create Your Own Adventure, and it gives us the opportunity to build our dream trip from the ground up. When you go to the contest webpage you'll begin by selecting the region you want to travel through, picking the highlights you'd like to see, modes of transportation and accommodations, and so on. Once you've designed your perfect getaway, you'll submit it to the site, where a distinguished group of judges will eventually select their top 20. Those top trips will then be voted on by the public, with the designer of the winning trip being sent on the tour that he or she designed. They'll also get to take two of their very best friends along as well, and to fill out the initial group, five more winners will be picked randomly. The winning tour will also be added to Gap's 2011 catalog too.

So, there you have. If you're in the mood for an amazing cycling tour through one of the most interesting and chaotic countries on the planet, get ready for that Indian Adventure. If you've got something else in mind, perhaps you can convince Gap to send you on that trip instead. Sadly, I was unable to select Antarctic when designing my own trip, as I thought a last degree ski expedition to the South Pole would be perfect. Guess I'll have to keep searching for that one.

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