Tuesday, February 23, 2010

This is Canoeing!

I have to admit, I'm a bit of a paddling snob. Personally, I prefer kayaking to canoeing. Can't really say why exactly, except that I feel more in control and more able to handle bigger water in a kayak than I do a canoe. But perhaps this video, brought to us by the folks over at Cackle TV, can convince me to give canoeing a bit of a break.

Not only is the video beautifully shot, but it's images convey two sides to a canoe adventure. Some are serene and peaceful, with amazing scenery, while others are frenetic and fast, with crazy white water. The styles of canoes shown varies greatly too, with all kinds of unique boats that look fun to paddle. This video is a far cry from the snow kayaking one I posted earlier. Both look like fun, just in different ways.

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