Friday, February 26, 2010

The Rest of Everest Episode 131: High Peaks and High Aspirations

After a week off from the regular release schedule, The Rest of Everest returns this week with another excellent episode chronicling a trek up to Everest Base Camp that took place last spring.

This episode is entitled High Peaks and High Aspirations, and it's clear to see where that name comes from before the episode credits have even finished rolling. Stunning vistas are everywhere this time, including early shots of climbers going up Everest it self. They're mostly seen as tiny dots in the distance, but it is beautiful none the less.

The views continue throughout the episode of course, as we continue the trek up the Khumbu Valley. The regular characters that we've been following along are continuing to suffer a bit from the altitude, but BC is now so close they can practically see it. Highlights of the episode include snow capped peaks in all directions, the melodic sounds of yak bells going up the trail, and more insights from the trekkers on what it is really like to be there. Considering I'm going myself soon, I don't know if I should be excited or scared! :)

Catch all of the Rest of Everest episodes on the website or in iTunes. Week in and week out it is consistently great stuff.

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