Friday, February 19, 2010

The Rest of Everest DVD Giveaway: Week 5 Winner!

The winner in our fifth, and final, Rest of Everest DVD Giveaway contest is Robin Rongey of Edwardsville, IL. Robin has won a copy of Everest {the other side}, which is the wonderful film from which the Rest of Everest video podcast was started. Congrats Robin, I'll get the DVD out to you as soon as I can.

I'd like to thank everyone for entering this contest over the past month or so. I hope you enjoyed it, and I hope all the winners are enjoying the DVD as much as I have. Hopefully it helped to introduce some of you to this wonderful podcast that did a great job of spotlighting every aspect of a climb of Everest, and continues to cover all kinds of adventures in the Himalaya. If you're not already watching it on an (almost) weekly basis, then you really should be. It is consistently well filmed, well edited, and very informative on a subject we all love, the Himalaya and the tallest mountain on the planet.

Besides finding all of the episodes (there are 130 of them to date) on the website you can also subscribe to the podcast directly in iTunes by clicking here.

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