Monday, September 11, 2006

2006 AR World Championship Report from Robyn Benincasa

Ok, so this is a couple weeks old at this point, and I know I haven't exactly been on the ball with some of these blog updates recently, but this one falls under the "better late than never" category. Adventure Racer Robyn Benincasa updated her blog, aptly titled "The Dirt", over at CPZ a few weeks back with a report on the 2006 AR World Championships which were recently run in Sweden. It's a great read with some nice behind the scenes insights into the race, and why her team, Merrell Wigwam Adventures, were forced to pull out, even when they were racing so well. I'll let you read the article, but lets just say that there is a lesson to be learned here for all of us.

By the way, for anyone who isn't familiar with Robyn, she's one of the toughest, most experienced, and well conditioned adventure racers competing today. She's got a resume a mile lone, having competed in, and won, most of the major races around the world. She is an amazing racer, and tough competitor. Good luck at the Ironman Kona, and Eco-Motion Robyn!

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