Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Dispatches from the Via Alpina Trail

National Geographic Adventure has posted another great article that is sure to get your wanderlust going, and have you dusting off your backpack and hiking boots. Two of their intrepid reporters set off in mid-July to through hike the Via Alpina trail. What's that you ask? Well, it's the first trans-Alps trail that was formed by linking existing trails through eight different countries, including Slovenia, Austria, Germany, Liechtenstein, Switzerland, France, Italy, and Monaco. The 1500 mile long Via Alpina will lead you through some of the most beautiful mountains on Earth. The NG website has the first trail dispatch, from Slovenia, with more to come, as well as a beautiful slide show, suggestions on where to stay, and a planning guide for preparing for your own trip. Yep! Another expedition just got added to my life list!

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