Thursday, September 7, 2006

The Everest Debate

As I mentioned in a post a few days back, Outside Magazine has dedicated a sizable portion of it's current issue to the 2006 climbing season on Everest. Included in this issue is this roundtable discussion by expert climbers on the dangers of climbing the highest mountain on Earth. Members of this expert panel include Neal Biedleman, Guy Cotter, Dave Hahn, and Ed Viesturs, with the whole thing moderated by Mark Jenkins. Between them they have 17 summits of Everest (Hahn has 7 himself!), and years of mountaineering experience.

The group discusses such topics as guided climbs, the crowds on the mountain, how things have changed in the past ten years, and the ethics of climbing. It's a long, but very interesting read that I highly recommend. You've got some of the top climbers in the world weighing in on some of the hot topics that have been raging in the climbing community since the season ended. These issues probably aren't going to go away, and it's likely that they the debate within that community is only going to grow louder and more heated.

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