Monday, September 11, 2006

Long Overdue Update From The Amazon Queen

It's been months since I posted any news on The Amazon Queen a boat owned and operated by "Captain Phil" who has chose to travel the length of the Amazon River to bring medical aid and support to the tribes there. Well, at lont last has received word from our adventerous captain, and the story he has to tell is a wild one indeed. It seems that the good captain has met a college student by the name of Alex Mohler, who has decided to retrace the voyage of Spanish explorer Francisco Orellana, who spent nine months sailing the length of the Amazon, which while not the longest river on Earth, is the largest and most voluminous. Mohler set out in a tiny raft, and his journey has been far from easy, as you might expext. You can read about it in Part 1 here and then get the latest update in Part 2 here. After reading the story, you'll wonder if this kid is amazing brave or amazingly stupid!

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