Monday, September 18, 2006

Another Himalaya Update has posted another update on the Fall climbing season, and has passed on more info on Greg Bello, the climber who was rescued from Shisha Pangma on Saturday. Bello was indeed taken off the mountain and returned to Kathmandu. Bello was injured in a fall, and then further so in a failed rescue attempt, which led to him being left alone, while negotiations were made with the sherpas and authorites, to attempt a real rescue.

Meanwhile, all is quiet on the Tibetan side of Everest, but high winds have forced the team there to change some of their plans. Over on Cho Oyu the weather has been unpredictable as it so often is this time of year, but teams are preparing for their summit attempts through various routes. Hopefully they'll all stay safe and climb well in the coming days.

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