Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Elbrus Speed Race Results!

A few weeks back I posted about a speed race that was going to be taking place amongst mountaineers to see who could reach the summit of Elbrus, the tallest peak in Europe, the fastest. Well, the results are in! Denis Urubko reached the summit in 3 hours, 55 minutes, setting a new record in the process. No stranger to high altitudes, Urubko has climbed ten of the 8000 meter peaks, still this is an impressivly fast climb no matter how you look at it.

When I first posted on this race, it was noted that the Soviets used to sent their mountain soldiers to Elbrus to train and they would compete amongst themselves in this race. In more recent times, it's been open to more climbers, and is gaining a bit of a following around the world. Somehow, I think I'd be at the back of the pack on this one.

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